Identity and look design for the IHGF, Delhi 2023

Identity and look design for the Indian Handicrafts and Gifts Delhi Fair, Delhi 2023
Primary Identity of IHGF, Spring 2023
The Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) is a non-profit organisation that was founded in the years 1986–1987 under the Companies Act with the goal of promoting, assisting, safeguarding, maintaining, and growing the export of handicrafts. It is the leading organisation for exporting handicrafts from the nation and promoting India's reputation as a trustworthy source of high-quality handicrafts goods and services abroad. It also ensures that various measures are taken with an eye towards adhering to international standards and specifications. The required infrastructure, as well as marketing and informational resources, have been developed by the Council and are available to both exporters and importers who are members.
Warm, soft colours make up a large portion of the colour scheme. Warm colours are excellent alternatives for settings where individuals need to feel alert and engaged since they help awaken the senses and boost vitality.
The design language combines European and Asian aesthetics. The worldwide conotation of the event, in which more than 30 countries participated, has been described using geometric patterns. Geometric patterns highlight the worldwide importance of conversations regarding narrative structures in addition to being a global trend.
From ancient times, geometric patterns have been a common element in art. Several painters have produced aesthetically striking works of art using geometric forms and patterns. Islamic geometric patterns, Op art, and minimalism are a few examples. Still today Technology has been impacted by geometric patterns in a variety of ways. For instance, geometric patterns and forms are frequently used in computer graphics and design software as the foundation for more intricate designs. Moreover, industries like robotics and engineering have benefited greatly from the study of geometry.
Billboard for IHGF 2023
Identity and look design for the IHGF, Delhi 2023